Cemetery Notes
The New St Charles Cemetery & Sacred Heart Cemetery rules are available for you to read, please click the purple link below.
Please be advised that these are NEW rules & regulations.
Please make note: The Cemetery is now Open to all Motor vehicle traffic.
ABSOLUTLY NO plastic flowers are to be inserted directly into the ground in the cemeteries. If they are then they will be removed and discarded. This is for the safety of those that maintain the cemetery.
Plastic flowers need to be in containers and need to be picked before the snow falls.
Perpetual Care is mowing and trimming of lots ONLY. Other maintenance of your lots are your responsibility, ie: grass seeding. Please remember that the cemetery is exposed to sunlight all day and does dry out. Any stone work that is to be done please call Fenton & Hennessey Funeral home 802-463-4111
Please remember this is hallowed ground, please be respectful. Any grave markers, or other signs of vandalism must be reported to the Church. 802-732-8721 Thank you
St. Charles and Sacred Heart Cemeteries are registered with the Find A Grave website. https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/1654272/saint-charles-cemetery